Additional Services

In addition to her extensive menu of training courses Gretchen undertakes a number of other social work related tasks including

Partnership Reviews: these are conducted in accordance with current practice requirements and consistent with the principles established in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018

Specialist Evidential Interviews: Gretchen is an experienced interviewer and has taught on both Memorandum of Good Practice and Achieving Best Evidence training courses. She conducts video-taped interviews with children for evidential purposes.

Specialist Assessment Reports: Gretchen’s main specialism in this area is risk associated with Fabricated or Induced Illness and with sexual abuse. 

Consultancy: practitioners are welcome to contact Gretchen to talk over cases informally at no charge. A fee will be required if a written opinion, direct work or longer term involvement is necessary. In this capacity Gretchen is often consulted about issues related to Fabricated or Induced Illness. Gretchen also consults to fostering agencies about managing troubled children in placement and works directly to support foster carers in these situations.

Facilitation: working with teams or other professional groups such as  local Safeguarding Children Partnerships on Away Days to consider specific issues or skill development is another service Gretchen offers.

Supervision: Gretchen offers clinical and management supervision/support to practitioners and managers either on an ongoing or time limited basis